My summer on Grignone lasted until the end of the season, September was a hot month. I kept my promise to stay on the paths and locations of the blog. I reached Pialeral, my summit this year, just a few days ago, on the 13th of the month. Crazy summer of reading, writing, reading, writing, late into the evening! Phrases and words that wake me up at dawn the following morning. Of those who have actually walked the mountains during the day in search of freedom and well-being. The photos were the source for describing the route of the trails. A second part was missing, where they are located, who manages them, possibly anything else significant, which I undertook to fill. I felt like I was an honest worker of the Sentiero Pasturo - Pialeral. It was possible thanks to the new Lenovo Intel Core i7 computer equipped with Windows 10 which worked perfectly and to the Vodafone mobile network, fighting for every gigabyte consumed, with some small interruptions and requests for clarification from the company. I give thanks to God for the gifts and protection, may his holy Name always be praised and blessed.
As expected my pace has been slow, my back is not right and there is pain in my face and teeth which needs to be investigated. Much has changed in the blog, starting from the name in the two languages, in English Grignone in slope of Pasturo and in Italian Il Grignone nel versante di Pasturo, which now has an introduction. Grignone is also Grigna Settentrionale, Northern Grigna, Grigna, Pasturo mountains. I defined what a trail is and removed the numbering from the routes because they are the work of the Club Alpino Italiano, which is no longer involved in their management. The number 33 of the Sentiero 33 Pasturo - Pialeral remains imprinted on me, of which numerous horizontal trail signs remain on the mountain, as well as that of the tram line 33 that I took near home in Milan. The only route added is the short Sentiero Brunino - Cornisella, which closes the Brunino ring.
The protagonist of my summer holiday was the vertical signage of the bikes, which I cross numerous times and mark routes in common with mine. The red trail sign has the name Pedalando nel Parco (Pedalling in the Park) of the Lombardy Region Parks System, on the directional sign there is the Valsassina, Valvarrone, Val d'Esino and Riviera Mountain Community logo. To go to Grigna from Barzio I pass in front of the head office at the bottom of the valley, near the Pioverna stream, in the Prato Buscante area. A world has opened up, I discover also that the Grigna Settentrionale has been a regional park since 2005! I find institutional and other information on the websites of the mountain community and Parco Grigna. More than a third of the over 5000 hectares of the Northern Grigna Regional Park is under special protection, including the Site of Community Importance IT2030001 Northern Grigna.
I didn't leave it out that the Grigna was the inspiration for Antonia Pozzi, the Milanese poet who stayed in Pasturo. The eighteenth-century villa was finally opened to the public, I visited the rooms, the study which remained as it was then, the garden, which can also be observed from the window where Antonia wrote. On the internal wall of the Church of the Alpini in Cornisella there is the emblematic verse of an internal conflict, Anima, sii come la montagna (Soul, be like the mountain), the first verse of the fourth stanza of the poem Examples. The nature, animals, birds, flowers, plants, rocks, remained outside of a specific topic.
At the the little church of Cornisella dedicated to Maria Regina Pacis I had the opportunity to participate in the mass and party held every year on the second Sunday of September organized by the local Pasturo local group of Alpini, on the anniversary of the inauguration of the Alpini chapel. I shot a wonderful video of over a minute of the flag raising. As a spectator who loves sport, I was present at the Alpe Cova finish line of the non-competitive running and cycling race Pasturo - Alpe Coa, on the fourth Sunday of July, and at the mass, among the people of Pasturo.
Like someone who committing all of himself to the goal he was focused on no longer has the strength or time for the rest, for the Grignone I neglected the mountains on the opposite side of the Pioverna valley, the mountains of Barzio, which I instead attended with continuity in the summer season seven years later. I will return to Valsassina on the feast of Sant'Ambrogio and sometimes in winter without writing any more posts, just as I will not do so next summer because are enough, and left over, the 16 articles from summer 2016.
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